
Physical fitness play a vital role in performing Hajj. Hajj requires lots of energy and dedication toward its duties. So it is recommeded to start preparing your self three to four month before leaving Arza Muqadas (Holy Land). Pilgrims have to perform Tawaf among a very heavy crowd. Physically week pilgrim usually stay in the state of scarness. Some time they have to spent even extra energy to perform a Tuaf than a fit person. They have to do a Tuaf on the top floor of Masjad. Where one round is more than a km. On the other hand, one round is around 350 meters, average, on the ground

So if you have made up your mind to perform the Hajj then do regular exercises and long walk. There would be many occasion where you have to walk many hours a day. Just to tell you about my one perticular day of walking during last Hajj. I travel over fourty km on foot. That might be some extra ordinary experience but many pilgrim walk very long journey on foot, especially during the Mina stay. Where pilgrim goes to Jamarat stonning from Mina on foot. Since Australian, US & European’s tent are the end of Mina so they have to have a longest walk to the Jamarat or Mecca than other pilgrim came from other countries.


Before leaving seek professional medical advice if you have any medical conditions.


Normal fit people also visit to the doctor and take some prescribed medication for cough, flue, fever, up-set stomach, vomating and travel sickness.


Take some warm clothing along with summer wearings. I have experience of very windy and cold days in Medina last year. Forthcoming Hajj is coming ten days before so there is a chance that your stay in Medina would be in cold days. There is thick warm Jacket is required especially in Fajar and Isah time. You should also carry warm thermal singlet which you should wear during the day with jumper.


You can take food with you like the cereal or musli etc. But be ware, we had been advised not to take any food with you at the Melbourne airport at the check in. We were said this is the requirment of Saudi government. Food policies might be different in every Hajj. Please ask us few days before leaving about taking the food with you. We will educate you according to current policy at that time.

  • There will be number of time you as pilgrim will be tested by Allah during your course of Hajj. It will be pity if you don’t try to be successful in those tests.
  • It might be in the bus where you got the seat and comparatively elder person standing without seat, It might be a time when you secure a little larger place in the tent of Mina or Arafat but a brother/sister is looking for a place to even just sit in the tent without having a proper place, or even your hotel where you have been allocated a room which you don’t like it.
  • Please be advised that we will be in Holy Land for worship not on leisure trip. Every thing will be temporary and no one will stay anywhere permanent. So why make fuss for all that when we are on the move most of the time. I have seen some pilgrims expect similar type of lifestyle as they were living in their home country.
  • It is almost impossible to meet the expectation of every body. One thing absolutely has to be remembered all the time to be humble and courteous. Do not blame every time someone for any hardship, be remember it might be a test from Allah. Try to sacrifice your rights over other brother/sister.
  • Try to cash out most of the rewards during this very short span of time. The pilgrims should keep in mind that he set out on the journey of pilgrimage in obedience for Allah, leaving behind comfort, luxury and pleasure. He should be certain that his reward will be in proportion to his endurance of the rites and restrictions of Hajj. He should show the utmost selflessness, self-denial, and human compassion.
  • He should think about others and try to give up some of his needs for their sake. He should adapt himself to sleep anywhere and eat simple food. He should be fully aware that he is about to change his entire lifestyle.
  • He should be ready to sleep on the hard ground on simple bedding. He should expect to suffer stifling heat and chilling cold. He should expect a change in the time of his daily meals. He might eat earlier or later than he is in the habit of.
  • He might find a cup of tea or coffee and he might not. He might find someone to help and serve him and he might not. He should expect the worse and should not upset others with his complaints, obscene language and grievances.
  • I warn pilgrims against these slips because I have seen people who return home worse than they were before. Both their sins and enemies increased. Their only achievement was their success to breed animosity with others and force.
  • Once the pilgrim reach to Jeddah Hajj terminal, Hajj terminal is different than the Jeddah International Airport. Hajj terminal is made of tents. pilgrim has to wait in a lounge where they will sit in a que.
  • They usually enter in small groups in a immigration foyer. After finishing with immigration they checkout to luggage claim area.
  • Where they collect their luggage and ahead to Hajj ministry counters where they will surrender their passport.
  • Here they will be issued a card which will hold the information about the office where their passport will remain in Medina or Mekkah.
  • So it is the responsibility of pilgrim to take well care of this card. Otherwise it will be very hard to locate his or her passport when they were to leave Medina or Mekkah.